Aug 14-17 2024 Firearms Auction

Auction CurrencyCAD Auction Location11802-145 St, Edmonton, Alberta, T5L 2H3, Canada

Auction Details

Call Brad To Consign 780-940-8378

Day 1: Aug 14 - Accessories - Timed Online Bidding
Day 2: Aug 15 - Ammo - Timed Online Bidding
Day 3: Aug 17 - Firearms - Live Online & In-House

Vintage and modern lever action rifles, hunting and target specific pieces, ammo, components, parts, optics, accessories etc
Days 1 & 2 are Timed Online Only.
Day 3 (Sat Aug 17) is Live In-House & Online.

Timed bids close every 30 seconds.
Bids in the last 30 seconds extends lot by 1 minute.

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Buyers premium:
15% for cash, debit & email transfer (+3% additional for Visa & M/C)
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Two Browning high power 9mm mags in double mag pouch305 - Two Browning high power 9mm mags in double mag pouch
Ward's Auctions
Two Browning high power 9mm mags in double mag pouch Items are still being added Latest Update August 12, 2024 Bids Cannot be Withdrawn Once Placed
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to B********e for (60.00) = 60.00
Three CZ 9mm mags306 - Three CZ 9mm mags
Ward's Auctions
Three CZ 9mm mags Items are still being added Latest Update August 12, 2024 Bids Cannot be Withdrawn Once Placed. Bid accordingly The teams at War
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to C********2.. for (85.00) = 85.00
Two CZ P-10C mags, 9mm 10 rounds307 - Two CZ P-10C mags, 9mm 10 rounds
Ward's Auctions
Two CZ P-10C mags, 9mm 10 rounds Items are still being added Latest Update August 12, 2024 Bids Cannot be Withdrawn Once Placed. Bid accordingly T
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to u*****D for (55.00) = 55.00
Two CZ P-10C mags, 9mm 10 rounds308 - Two CZ P-10C mags, 9mm 10 rounds
Ward's Auctions
Two CZ P-10C mags, 9mm 10 rounds Items are still being added Latest Update August 12, 2024 Bids Cannot be Withdrawn Once Placed. Bid accordingly T
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to u*****D for (55.00) = 55.00
One CZ P-10C mag, 9mm 10 rounds309 - One CZ P-10C mag, 9mm 10 rounds
Ward's Auctions
One CZ P-10C mag, 9mm 10 rounds Items are still being added Latest Update August 12, 2024 Bids Cannot be Withdrawn Once Placed. Bid accordingly Th
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to A*********r for (35.00) = 35.00
Bag containing 25 round CZ .22 MAG, Marlin 17 HMR MAG and a Savage .22 MAG plus SKS stripper clips310 - Bag containing 25 round CZ .22 MAG, Marlin 17 HMR MAG and a Savage .22 MAG plus SKS stripper clips
Ward's Auctions
Bag containing 25 round CZ .22 MAG, Marlin 17 HMR MAG and a Savage .22 MAG plus SKS stripper clips Items are still being added Latest Update August
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to 6***w for (35.00) = 35.00
Swedish M1894 Mauser bayonet w/ C crown proof. 13" blade, 18" overall. Comes w/ metal scabbard311 - Swedish M1894 Mauser bayonet w/ C crown proof. 13" blade, 18" overall. Comes w/ metal scabbard
Ward's Auctions
Swedish M1894 Mauser bayonet w/ C crown proof. 13" blade, 18" overall. Comes w/ metal scabbard Items are still being added Latest Update...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to f*****r for (120.00) = 120.00
Winchester suede leather rifle bag w/ fringe and a soft rifle case312 - Winchester suede leather rifle bag w/ fringe and a soft rifle case
Ward's Auctions
Winchester suede leather rifle bag w/ fringe and a soft rifle case Items are still being added Latest Update August 12, 2024 Bids Cannot be Withdra
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to t*****b for (150.00) = 150.00
Two polymer gun stocks for Remington 700 ADL Long action w/ standard barrel313 - Two polymer gun stocks for Remington 700 ADL Long action w/ standard barrel
Ward's Auctions
Two polymer gun stocks for Remington 700 ADL Long action w/ standard barrel Items are still being added Latest Update August 12, 2024 Bids Cannot b
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to d*******P for (17.50) = 17.50
Mueller 8-32 x 44 target scope w/ sun shade, end caps and original box314 - Mueller 8-32 x 44 target scope w/ sun shade, end caps and original box
Ward's Auctions
Mueller 8-32 x 44 target scope w/ sun shade, end caps and original box Items are still being added Latest Update August 12, 2024 Bids Cannot be Wit
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to T*******0 for (130.00) = 130.00
Mueller 8-32 x 44 target scope w/ sun shade, end caps and original box315 - Mueller 8-32 x 44 target scope w/ sun shade, end caps and original box
Ward's Auctions
Mueller 8-32 x 44 target scope w/ sun shade, end caps and original box Items are still being added Latest Update August 12, 2024 Bids Cannot be Wit
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to S********6 for (110.00) = 110.00
Sightmark 8.5- 25 x 50 scope w/ red and green illuminated mil-dot reticle. Comes w/ mounts, level, l316 - Sightmark 8.5- 25 x 50 scope w/ red and green illuminated mil-dot reticle. Comes w/ mounts, level, l
Ward's Auctions
Sightmark 8.5- 25 x 50 scope w/ red and green illuminated mil-dot reticle. Comes w/ mounts, level, lens caps & original box Items are still bei...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to J******e for (270.00) = 270.00
Two vintage 177 CAL pellet guns including Crosman Mark II Target and Marksman Repeater, plus soft gu317 - Two vintage 177 CAL pellet guns including Crosman Mark II Target and Marksman Repeater, plus soft gu
Ward's Auctions
Two vintage 177 CAL pellet guns including Crosman Mark II Target and Marksman Repeater, plus soft gun case Items are still being added Latest Update
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to g*********7 for (60.00) = 60.00
One foam lined plastic hard case and three soft cases318 - One foam lined plastic hard case and three soft cases
Ward's Auctions
One foam lined plastic hard case and three soft cases Items are still being added Latest Update August 12, 2024 Bids Cannot be Withdrawn Once Place
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to j****J for (22.50) = 22.50
Selection of camping supplies including Wild-Lite Outdoor Edge knife set w/ sharpener in plastic cas319 - Selection of camping supplies including Wild-Lite Outdoor Edge knife set w/ sharpener in plastic cas
Ward's Auctions
Selection of camping supplies including Wild-Lite Outdoor Edge knife set w/ sharpener in plastic case, a Camping Gaz portable camp stove, set of Tasco
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to w******1 for (27.50) = 27.50
Selection of knives including 18" Defender, MTech USA Ballistic MT-832 folding knife and MT-828 fold320 - Selection of knives including 18" Defender, MTech USA Ballistic MT-832 folding knife and MT-828 fold
Ward's Auctions
Selection of knives including 18" Defender, MTech USA Ballistic MT-832 folding knife and MT-828 folding knife, two unmarked folding knives and ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to j****1 for (35.00) = 35.00
Competition style Cobra 5.11 mag belt321 - Competition style Cobra 5.11 mag belt
Ward's Auctions
Competition style Cobra 5.11 mag belt Items are still being added Latest Update August 12, 2024 Bids Cannot be Withdrawn Once Placed. Bid according
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to d*******P for (15.00) = 15.00
Selection of scopes and accessories including Bushnell 4x Banner, Weaver A 2.8, Tasco RF4X15, plus B322 - Selection of scopes and accessories including Bushnell 4x Banner, Weaver A 2.8, Tasco RF4X15, plus B
Ward's Auctions
Selection of scopes and accessories including Bushnell 4x Banner, Weaver A 2.8, Tasco RF4X15, plus Burris scope ring shims and a set of 22mm unmarked
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to b*****2 for (40.00) = 40.00
Selection of hunting accessories including an Edge mechanical duck decoy, assorted duck calls, sport323 - Selection of hunting accessories including an Edge mechanical duck decoy, assorted duck calls, sport
Ward's Auctions
Selection of hunting accessories including an Edge mechanical duck decoy, assorted duck calls, sporting clays speed wrench for 20 GA and 12 GA chokes,
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to t**********t for (75.00) = 75.00
Selection of hunting accessories including two Mossberg 715t/715p gun mags, two long gun trigger loc324 - Selection of hunting accessories including two Mossberg 715t/715p gun mags, two long gun trigger loc
Ward's Auctions
Selection of hunting accessories including two Mossberg 715t/715p gun mags, two long gun trigger locks, Snap Caps including .410, .30-06 & .45-7...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to d*******P for (27.50) = 27.50