Aug 14-17 2024 Firearms Auction

Auction Details

Call Brad To Consign 780-940-8378

Day 1: Aug 14 - Accessories - Timed Online Bidding
Day 2: Aug 15 - Ammo - Timed Online Bidding
Day 3: Aug 17 - Firearms - Live Online & In-House

Vintage and modern lever action rifles, hunting and target specific pieces, ammo, components, parts, optics, accessories etc
Days 1 & 2 are Timed Online Only.
Day 3 (Sat Aug 17) is Live In-House & Online.

Timed bids close every 30 seconds.
Bids in the last 30 seconds extends lot by 1 minute.

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Buyers premium:
15% for cash, debit & email transfer (+3% additional for Visa & M/C)
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Vintage 20 count box of Dominion .250 SAV 100 GR SP1410 - Vintage 20 count box of Dominion .250 SAV 100 GR SP
Ward's Auctions
Vintage 20 count box of Dominion .250 SAV 100 GR SP Items are still being added Latest Update August 9, 2024 Bids Cannot be Withdrawn Once Placed.
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to p********w.. for (40.00) = 40.00
One 20 count box of Winchester .222 REM 50 GR PSP and 20 count box of Federal .222 REM 50 GR HI-SHOK1411 - One 20 count box of Winchester .222 REM 50 GR PSP and 20 count box of Federal .222 REM 50 GR HI-SHOK
Ward's Auctions
One 20 count box of Winchester .222 REM 50 GR PSP and 20 count box of Federal .222 REM 50 GR HI-SHOK SP Items are still being added Latest Update Au
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to e*****J for (35.00) = 35.00
Three vintage 50 count boxes of Winchester Super X .22 WRF, two full and one with approximately 43 r1412 - Three vintage 50 count boxes of Winchester Super X .22 WRF, two full and one with approximately 43 r
Ward's Auctions
Three vintage 50 count boxes of Winchester Super X .22 WRF, two full and one with approximately 43 rounds plus a box containing four .32 rimfire Item
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to G****d for (40.00) = 40.00
Four 10m boxes of Thermalite  slow black powder ignitor cord1413 - Four 10m boxes of Thermalite slow black powder ignitor cord
Ward's Auctions
Four 10m boxes of Thermalite slow black powder ignitor cord Items are still being added Latest Update August 9, 2024 Bids Cannot be Withdrawn Once
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to e*****J for (85.00) = 85.00
Selection of approximately 350 rounds of assorted .22 LR ammunition, varying brands, full and partia1414 - Selection of approximately 350 rounds of assorted .22 LR ammunition, varying brands, full and partia
Ward's Auctions
Selection of approximately 350 rounds of assorted .22 LR ammunition, varying brands, full and partial boxes, plus an addition approximately 400 rounds
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to V********e for (65.00) = 65.00
Approximately 1100 rounds of .22 LR in three partial bulk packs; Federal, Browning and Blazer1415 - Approximately 1100 rounds of .22 LR in three partial bulk packs; Federal, Browning and Blazer
Ward's Auctions
Approximately 1100 rounds of .22 LR in three partial bulk packs; Federal, Browning and Blazer Items are still being added Latest Update August 9, 20
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to D****8 for (95.00) = 95.00
Selection of ammunition including 65 rounds of Hornady 17HMR, 20 round of CCI .22 shot shell, full 51416 - Selection of ammunition including 65 rounds of Hornady 17HMR, 20 round of CCI .22 shot shell, full 5
Ward's Auctions
Selection of ammunition including 65 rounds of Hornady 17HMR, 20 round of CCI .22 shot shell, full 50 count box of Remington .22 short and approximate
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R****1 for (30.00) = 30.00
Zip lock bag with 46 count of .30-06 ammunition, assorted makers and projectiles1417 - Zip lock bag with 46 count of .30-06 ammunition, assorted makers and projectiles
Ward's Auctions
Zip lock bag with 46 count of .30-06 ammunition, assorted makers and projectiles Items are still being added Latest Update August 9, 2024 Bids Cann
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to a*******2 for (55.00) = 55.00
Full twenty box and one box containing six rounds of Federal .30-06 Springfield 150 grain SP ammunit1418 - Full twenty box and one box containing six rounds of Federal .30-06 Springfield 150 grain SP ammunit
Ward's Auctions
Full twenty box and one box containing six rounds of Federal .30-06 Springfield 150 grain SP ammunition No. 3006A Items are still being added Latest
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to v******d for (30.00) = 30.00
Two partial boxes of Fusion .30-06 ammunition including 19 count of 150 grain and 13 count of 180 gr1419 - Two partial boxes of Fusion .30-06 ammunition including 19 count of 150 grain and 13 count of 180 gr
Ward's Auctions
Two partial boxes of Fusion .30-06 ammunition including 19 count of 150 grain and 13 count of 180 grain plus 7 empty cases Items are still being adde
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to h*******y for (35.00) = 35.00