Feb 9 2025 Estate / Consignment / Alcohol Auction

Auction Details

Live Preview February 7th, 4-8pm

Partial List: Collection of wine and spirits. Original artworks including Cor Ter Brugge, Vivian Thierfelder, Jim Vest, Alan Wood, Jerry Heine, Roy Harvey Thomas, Helene Augusta Hamburger. Jewellery including $3,775.00 Michael Hill engagement ring, silver and turquoise pieces, $5,50 diamond and tanzanite ring, $4,700 gent's gold eagle ring, $8,400 gold coin necklace, assorted value priced pieces etc. Mid Century Modern furniture and decor including wall unit, enamel tiled coffee table, enamelled decor its and artwork. Antique and modern furniture including mission style dining quite and curio cabinet, desks, occasional tables, chairs, several sofas, trunks, statuary stands, massage chair, 87" oak pew. Sports collectibles including signed Bobby Orr, Gordie Howe, Gretzky and more photos, figures etc
AL- Ambiq copper whisky stills, large selection of knives and daggers, collection of carved netsuke, bronze medallions, Edison Diamond Disc Gramophone, mammoth tusk, carved soapstone and jade, Bernina Swedish made model 217 industrial sewing machine, carved world masks, china tableware including Royal Albert, HO and N gauge trains, HUGE selection of lead and other cast soldiers, die cast trains planes and automobiles, collection of cannons, hundreds of antique books including history and more
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Items are only shipped through Canada Post and must fit in their package limits. Art & Alcohol cannot be insured.
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Anything larger or restricted is the responsibility of the buyer.
Buyers premium: 20% EMT and debit. 23% Visa & MC
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Tales of a Grandfather: Being Stories from the History of Scotland. By Sir Walter Scott. Third Serie1063 - Tales of a Grandfather: Being Stories from the History of Scotland. By Sir Walter Scott. Third Serie
Ward's Auctions
Tales of a Grandfather: Being Stories from the History of Scotland. By Sir Walter Scott. Third Series. Printed for Cadell & Co. Edinburgh 1830. ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to d*****m for (25.00) = 25.00
The Poetical Works of Robert Burns in Two Volumes. From the press of C. Whittingham 1821. Leather co1064 - The Poetical Works of Robert Burns in Two Volumes. From the press of C. Whittingham 1821. Leather co
Ward's Auctions
The Poetical Works of Robert Burns in Two Volumes. From the press of C. Whittingham 1821. Leather covers with gold and embossing, gold edged pages It
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to e****r for (110.00) = 110.00
The Works of Robert Burns. Published by William Patterson, Edinburgh 1879. Six hardcover volumes wit1065 - The Works of Robert Burns. Published by William Patterson, Edinburgh 1879. Six hardcover volumes wit
Ward's Auctions
The Works of Robert Burns. Published by William Patterson, Edinburgh 1879. Six hardcover volumes with embossed gold covers. Note: some of the pages ha
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to e*8 for (90.00) = 90.00
Goethe's Werkes (Johann Wofglan von Goethe) Illustrit Von Ersten Deutschen, Kerslern, Sunster Band. 1066 - Goethe's Werkes (Johann Wofglan von Goethe) Illustrit Von Ersten Deutschen, Kerslern, Sunster Band.
Ward's Auctions
Goethe's Werkes (Johann Wofglan von Goethe) Illustrit Von Ersten Deutschen, Kerslern, Sunster Band. Five illustrated hardcover volumes. Gold edg...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to U********i.. for (40.00) = 40.00
The Novels of Thomas Love Peacock. Published by Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd. New Yor1067 - The Novels of Thomas Love Peacock. Published by Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd. New Yor
Ward's Auctions
The Novels of Thomas Love Peacock. Published by Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd. New York. 1903. Hardboard covers with gold embossin...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to J*******h for (20.00) = 20.00
First Principle of Chemistry by Benjamin Silliman. H.C. Peck & Theodore Bliss. Published 1852. Hardc1068 - First Principle of Chemistry by Benjamin Silliman. H.C. Peck & Theodore Bliss. Published 1852. Hardc
Ward's Auctions
First Principle of Chemistry by Benjamin Silliman. H.C. Peck & Theodore Bliss. Published 1852. Hardcover volume, Twenty-third edition with over ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to J*******h for (25.00) = 25.00
The Dundee Cornucopia: A miscellany of Gleanings, Poetry &c. Original and Selected. Published by Jam1069 - The Dundee Cornucopia: A miscellany of Gleanings, Poetry &c. Original and Selected. Published by Jam
Ward's Auctions
The Dundee Cornucopia: A miscellany of Gleanings, Poetry &c. Original and Selected. Published by James Chambers Bookseller, Castle Street. 1843....
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to T********D for (20.00) = 20.00
The Campaign in the Crimea: An Historical Sketch. By George Brackenbury. Includes forty double tinte1070 - The Campaign in the Crimea: An Historical Sketch. By George Brackenbury. Includes forty double tinte
Ward's Auctions
The Campaign in the Crimea: An Historical Sketch. By George Brackenbury. Includes forty double tinted plates from drawings taken on the spot by Willia
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to c***r for (170.00) = 170.00
Pictures and Royal Portraits- Illustrations of English and Scottish History, with descriptive histor1071 - Pictures and Royal Portraits- Illustrations of English and Scottish History, with descriptive histor
Ward's Auctions
Pictures and Royal Portraits- Illustrations of English and Scottish History, with descriptive historical sketches by Thomas Archer. Published Blackie
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to A******d for (180.00) = 180.00
Critical and Miscellaneous Essays: Collected and Republished by Thomas Carlyle in four volumes. Publ1072 - Critical and Miscellaneous Essays: Collected and Republished by Thomas Carlyle in four volumes. Publ
Ward's Auctions
Critical and Miscellaneous Essays: Collected and Republished by Thomas Carlyle in four volumes. Published by Chapman and Hall, London. Each with leath
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to S*****8 for (45.00) = 45.00
The National Burns. Edited by Rev. George Gilfillan. including The Airs of All the Songs and an Orig1073 - The National Burns. Edited by Rev. George Gilfillan. including The Airs of All the Songs and an Orig
Ward's Auctions
The National Burns. Edited by Rev. George Gilfillan. including The Airs of All the Songs and an Original Life of Burns by the Editor. Four illustrated
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to b*******J for (22.50) = 22.50
The Library of Shakspeare. Illustrated by Sir John Gilbert, George Cruikshank and R. Dudley. Publish1074 - The Library of Shakspeare. Illustrated by Sir John Gilbert, George Cruikshank and R. Dudley. Publish
Ward's Auctions
The Library of Shakspeare. Illustrated by Sir John Gilbert, George Cruikshank and R. Dudley. Published by William Mackenzie, London. Nine embossed gol
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to J*******h for (250.00) = 250.00
Source Records of Great Events. Printed by National Alumni. Five volumes including "Post War Period 1075 - Source Records of Great Events. Printed by National Alumni. Five volumes including "Post War Period
Ward's Auctions
Source Records of Great Events. Printed by National Alumni. Five volumes including "Post War Period 1919-1920", " Post War Period 192...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to K******v for (20.00) = 20.00
The Lincoln Papers. By David C. Mears. Published DoubleDay & Company, Inc. New York, 1948. Two volum1076 - The Lincoln Papers. By David C. Mears. Published DoubleDay & Company, Inc. New York, 1948. Two volum
Ward's Auctions
The Lincoln Papers. By David C. Mears. Published DoubleDay & Company, Inc. New York, 1948. Two volume first editions. each with hard covers and ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r****D for (30.00) = 30.00
President Lincoln by William E. Barton. Illustrated. Published by The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indiana1077 - President Lincoln by William E. Barton. Illustrated. Published by The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indiana
Ward's Auctions
President Lincoln by William E. Barton. Illustrated. Published by The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis. Copyright 1933. Two embossed hardcover volu
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to S*****8 for (20.00) = 20.00
Six volume set of books. Abraham Lincoln by Carl Sandburg. Including four volume "The War Years" and1078 - Six volume set of books. Abraham Lincoln by Carl Sandburg. Including four volume "The War Years" and
Ward's Auctions
Six volume set of books. Abraham Lincoln by Carl Sandburg. Including four volume "The War Years" and two volume "The Prairie Years&qu...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R********k for (25.00) = 25.00
Theodore Roosevelt- Papers and Addresses, Colonial and National Documents and George Washington-Lett1079 - Theodore Roosevelt- Papers and Addresses, Colonial and National Documents and George Washington-Lett
Ward's Auctions
Theodore Roosevelt- Papers and Addresses, Colonial and National Documents and George Washington-Letters and Addresses. Published by Sun Dial Classis C
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to S*********0 for (20.00) = 20.00
Wilson's Tale of The Borders- Historical, Traditionary & Imaginative with an Illustrative Glossary o1080 - Wilson's Tale of The Borders- Historical, Traditionary & Imaginative with an Illustrative Glossary o
Ward's Auctions
Wilson's Tale of The Borders- Historical, Traditionary & Imaginative with an Illustrative Glossary of the Scottish Dialect. Published Willia...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to b*******J for (120.00) = 120.00
The Poetical Works of John Milton with a Memoir and Seven Embellishments. New Edition. Published by 1081 - The Poetical Works of John Milton with a Memoir and Seven Embellishments. New Edition. Published by
Ward's Auctions
The Poetical Works of John Milton with a Memoir and Seven Embellishments. New Edition. Published by J. J. Chidley London 1846. Gold embossed leather h
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to l******r for (60.00) = 60.00
Le Bateau des Sorcieres. Par Gustave Toudouze. Published by A.mame & Fils Editeurs a Tours.1849. Ill1082 - Le Bateau des Sorcieres. Par Gustave Toudouze. Published by A.mame & Fils Editeurs a Tours.1849. Ill
Ward's Auctions
Le Bateau des Sorcieres. Par Gustave Toudouze. Published by A.mame & Fils Editeurs a Tours.1849. Illustrated volume and signed by Georges G. Tou...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R********k for (20.00) = 20.00
Three hardcover books from the Memoirs and Secret Chronicles of the Courts of Europe. Books include 1083 - Three hardcover books from the Memoirs and Secret Chronicles of the Courts of Europe. Books include
Ward's Auctions
Three hardcover books from the Memoirs and Secret Chronicles of the Courts of Europe. Books include "The Secret Memoirs of the Court of Berlin ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to S*****A for (45.00) = 45.00
Two hardcover volumes from the Memoirs and Secret Chronicles of the Courts of Europe. Louis XIV. Wri1084 - Two hardcover volumes from the Memoirs and Secret Chronicles of the Courts of Europe. Louis XIV. Wri
Ward's Auctions
Two hardcover volumes from the Memoirs and Secret Chronicles of the Courts of Europe. Louis XIV. Written by the Duke of Saint- Simon. This is volumes
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to D*******w for (20.00) = 20.00
Two hardcover books from the Memoirs and Secret Chronicles of the Courts of Europe. "Marie Antoinett1085 - Two hardcover books from the Memoirs and Secret Chronicles of the Courts of Europe. "Marie Antoinett
Ward's Auctions
Two hardcover books from the Memoirs and Secret Chronicles of the Courts of Europe. "Marie Antoinette- Secret Memoirs of Princess Lambelle'...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to D*******w for (22.50) = 22.50
Three hardcover volumes from the Memoirs and Secret Chronicles of the Courts of Europe. Louis XIV. W1086 - Three hardcover volumes from the Memoirs and Secret Chronicles of the Courts of Europe. Louis XIV. W
Ward's Auctions
Three hardcover volumes from the Memoirs and Secret Chronicles of the Courts of Europe. Louis XIV. Written by the Duke of Saint- Simon. Complete three
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to j*********n for (50.00) = 50.00
Thee hardcover books from the Memoirs and Secret Chronicles of the Courts of Europe including 'The C1087 - Thee hardcover books from the Memoirs and Secret Chronicles of the Courts of Europe including 'The C
Ward's Auctions
Thee hardcover books from the Memoirs and Secret Chronicles of the Courts of Europe including 'The Court of Berlin ( Catherine the Great). by Ho...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R********k for (20.00) = 20.00
The Works of Edmund Burke. Six volume set of books. Published by Henry Frowde and printed in Oxford 1088 - The Works of Edmund Burke. Six volume set of books. Published by Henry Frowde and printed in Oxford
Ward's Auctions
The Works of Edmund Burke. Six volume set of books. Published by Henry Frowde and printed in Oxford by Horace Hart, Printer to the University. Hardboa
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to d*****m for (25.00) = 25.00
Three hardcover books "Alexander L. Kielland Collected Works". By Samlede Vaerker. Published Gyldend1089 - Three hardcover books "Alexander L. Kielland Collected Works". By Samlede Vaerker. Published Gyldend
Ward's Auctions
Three hardcover books "Alexander L. Kielland Collected Works". By Samlede Vaerker. Published Gyldendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlang, 1907...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to N******4 for (20.00) = 20.00
Seven volume set " The Plays of J. M. Barrie". Published by Hodder and Stoughton Ltd. London 1929. E1090 - Seven volume set " The Plays of J. M. Barrie". Published by Hodder and Stoughton Ltd. London 1929. E
Ward's Auctions
Seven volume set " The Plays of J. M. Barrie". Published by Hodder and Stoughton Ltd. London 1929. Each with blue leather and embossed gol...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to F********a for (40.00) = 40.00
Four volume set including"The Ruling Passion- Tales of Nature and Human Nature" , Days Off", The Blu1091 - Four volume set including"The Ruling Passion- Tales of Nature and Human Nature" , Days Off", The Blu
Ward's Auctions
Four volume set including"The Ruling Passion- Tales of Nature and Human Nature" , Days Off", The Blue Flower" and "The Gold...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to N******4 for (27.50) = 27.50
Four volume set "The Life of Robert Burns; With an Account of his Life and Criticism on his Writings1092 - Four volume set "The Life of Robert Burns; With an Account of his Life and Criticism on his Writings
Ward's Auctions
Four volume set "The Life of Robert Burns; With an Account of his Life and Criticism on his Writings." Sixth edition. Printed for T. Cadel...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to h******P for (50.00) = 50.00
Twenty eight volume set "The Works of Rudyard Kipling". Published by Charles Scribner's Sons, New Yo1093 - Twenty eight volume set "The Works of Rudyard Kipling". Published by Charles Scribner's Sons, New Yo
Ward's Auctions
Twenty eight volume set "The Works of Rudyard Kipling". Published by Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1907. Hardboard covers with em...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to e*8 for (190.00) = 190.00
Four volume set "The Poets and Poetry of Scotland: From the Earliest to the Present Time". by James 1094 - Four volume set "The Poets and Poetry of Scotland: From the Earliest to the Present Time". by James
Ward's Auctions
Four volume set "The Poets and Poetry of Scotland: From the Earliest to the Present Time". by James Grant Wilson. Illustrated with portrai...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R*********4 for (150.00) = 150.00
Two hardcover volumes "The Poets and Poetry of Scotland- From Earliest to Present Time" including "T1095 - Two hardcover volumes "The Poets and Poetry of Scotland- From Earliest to Present Time" including "T
Ward's Auctions
Two hardcover volumes "The Poets and Poetry of Scotland- From Earliest to Present Time" including "Thomas the Rhymer to Richard Gall ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to A*****r for (45.00) = 45.00
Six volume set "Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson" Deluxe Edition. Published by John D. Morris & Company,1096 - Six volume set "Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson" Deluxe Edition. Published by John D. Morris & Company,
Ward's Auctions
Six volume set "Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson" Deluxe Edition. Published by John D. Morris & Company, Philadelphia. 1906. All numbered ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to N******4 for (35.00) = 35.00
The Scots Worthies: Their Lives and Testimonies With an introductory sketch of the history of the pe1097 - The Scots Worthies: Their Lives and Testimonies With an introductory sketch of the history of the pe
Ward's Auctions
The Scots Worthies: Their Lives and Testimonies With an introductory sketch of the history of the period. Includes thirty engraved plates. Published b
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to H****y for (20.00) = 20.00
Five volume set "A History of the Scottish People- From the Earliest Times" By the Rev. Thomas Thoms1098 - Five volume set "A History of the Scottish People- From the Earliest Times" By the Rev. Thomas Thoms
Ward's Auctions
Five volume set "A History of the Scottish People- From the Earliest Times" By the Rev. Thomas Thomson. Published by Blackie & sons Lt...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to b*******J for (140.00) = 140.00
Seven volumes of "The Anglo-Saxon Review- A Quarterly Miscellany" including Vol. II September 1899, 1099 - Seven volumes of "The Anglo-Saxon Review- A Quarterly Miscellany" including Vol. II September 1899,
Ward's Auctions
Seven volumes of "The Anglo-Saxon Review- A Quarterly Miscellany" including Vol. II September 1899, Published by John Lane, London and New...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to j*********n for (25.00) = 25.00
Four volume set. A "History of the Highlands and of the Highland Clans". With an extensive selection1100 - Four volume set. A "History of the Highlands and of the Highland Clans". With an extensive selection
Ward's Auctions
Four volume set. A "History of the Highlands and of the Highland Clans". With an extensive selection of from the hitherto inedited Stuart ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to A******d for (80.00) = 80.00
Two volumes. "The Pictorial History of Scotland- From the Roman Invasion to the Close of the Jacobit1101 - Two volumes. "The Pictorial History of Scotland- From the Roman Invasion to the Close of the Jacobit
Ward's Auctions
Two volumes. "The Pictorial History of Scotland- From the Roman Invasion to the Close of the Jacobite Rebellion A.D. 79-1746". By James Ta...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to o****b for (25.00) = 25.00
Six volumes of books by Robert Louis Stevenson including " Treasure Island", "The Black Arrow", "Kid1102 - Six volumes of books by Robert Louis Stevenson including " Treasure Island", "The Black Arrow", "Kid
Ward's Auctions
Six volumes of books by Robert Louis Stevenson including " Treasure Island", "The Black Arrow", "Kidnapped", "New...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to d******U for (190.00) = 190.00
The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson by Graham Balfour. In two volumes with portraits. Published by Sc1103 - The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson by Graham Balfour. In two volumes with portraits. Published by Sc
Ward's Auctions
The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson by Graham Balfour. In two volumes with portraits. Published by Scribner's Sons, New York, 1908. Quarter leath...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R********k for (20.00) = 20.00
Robert Louis Stevenson Memories Published T.N. Foulis, London & Edinburgh. Soft Japon Vellum cover. 1104 - Robert Louis Stevenson Memories Published T.N. Foulis, London & Edinburgh. Soft Japon Vellum cover.
Ward's Auctions
Robert Louis Stevenson Memories Published T.N. Foulis, London & Edinburgh. Soft Japon Vellum cover. Illustrations and photos of his homes and hi...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to h******P for (20.00) = 20.00
Robert Louis Stevenson Masters Library by Amaranth Press. Published by Chatham River Press 1983. Lea1105 - Robert Louis Stevenson Masters Library by Amaranth Press. Published by Chatham River Press 1983. Lea
Ward's Auctions
Robert Louis Stevenson Masters Library by Amaranth Press. Published by Chatham River Press 1983. Leather and gold embossed cover and gild edged pages
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r****D for (40.00) = 40.00
Two volumes "Orations of British Orators" Including biographical and critical sketches. Printed by T1106 - Two volumes "Orations of British Orators" Including biographical and critical sketches. Printed by T
Ward's Auctions
Two volumes "Orations of British Orators" Including biographical and critical sketches. Printed by The Colonial Press, New York, 1900. Qua...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to N******4 for (20.00) = 20.00
Six volume set "Science In Modern Life- A Survey of Scientific Development Discovery and Invention a1107 - Six volume set "Science In Modern Life- A Survey of Scientific Development Discovery and Invention a
Ward's Auctions
Six volume set "Science In Modern Life- A Survey of Scientific Development Discovery and Invention and Their Relation to Human Progress and Ind...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to J*******h for (90.00) = 90.00
Two hardcover books including "Burns Works- the Work and Correspondence of Robert Burns". Published 1108 - Two hardcover books including "Burns Works- the Work and Correspondence of Robert Burns". Published
Ward's Auctions
Two hardcover books including "Burns Works- the Work and Correspondence of Robert Burns". Published Mackenzie, White, & Co. 1845. Quar...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to S*********0 for (45.00) = 45.00
Four small leather bound books including "A Winter's Tale", "Love's Labour's Lost", "MacBeth" and "T1109 - Four small leather bound books including "A Winter's Tale", "Love's Labour's Lost", "MacBeth" and "T
Ward's Auctions
Four small leather bound books including "A Winter's Tale", "Love's Labour's Lost", "MacBeth" and "Th...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to d******U for (60.00) = 60.00
Collection of sixteen "Treasury of the Worlds Masterpieces" including books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyl1110 - Collection of sixteen "Treasury of the Worlds Masterpieces" including books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyl
Ward's Auctions
Collection of sixteen "Treasury of the Worlds Masterpieces" including books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Thomas Hardy, Jack London, Mark Twa...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to F********a for (250.00) = 250.00
Two books including "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" and "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" by Sir 1111 - Two books including "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" and "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" by Sir
Ward's Auctions
Two books including "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" and "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Publishe...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to M***z for (30.00) = 30.00
Waverley- or tis Sixty Years Since" in three volumes. By Sir Walter Scott. Printed by James Ballanty1112 - Waverley- or tis Sixty Years Since" in three volumes. By Sir Walter Scott. Printed by James Ballanty
Ward's Auctions
Waverley- or tis Sixty Years Since" in three volumes. By Sir Walter Scott. Printed by James Ballantyne and Co. Edinburgh, 1914. Quarter leather...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to N******4 for (20.00) = 20.00
The History of Canada By William Kingsford. Rowsell & Hutchinson, Toronto, Dominion of Canada, Turbn1113 - The History of Canada By William Kingsford. Rowsell & Hutchinson, Toronto, Dominion of Canada, Turbn
Ward's Auctions
The History of Canada By William Kingsford. Rowsell & Hutchinson, Toronto, Dominion of Canada, Turbner & Co. London 1887. 1608-1841. Ten har...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to S*********0 for (325.00) = 325.00
Robert Burns-Poems, Songs, Letters "The Works of Robert Burns Complete in Two Volumes". With illustr1114 - Robert Burns-Poems, Songs, Letters "The Works of Robert Burns Complete in Two Volumes". With illustr
Ward's Auctions
Robert Burns-Poems, Songs, Letters "The Works of Robert Burns Complete in Two Volumes". With illustrations on steel. By Allan Cunningham T...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to h******P for (200.00) = 200.00
Three hardcover books including "The Art of War- & Other Classics of Easter Philosphy" , "Grimm's Co1115 - Three hardcover books including "The Art of War- & Other Classics of Easter Philosphy" , "Grimm's Co
Ward's Auctions
Three hardcover books including "The Art of War- & Other Classics of Easter Philosphy" , "Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales" ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to h******P for (70.00) = 70.00
Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. By John Heneage Jesse. Three volume set. Published by1116 - Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. By John Heneage Jesse. Three volume set. Published by
Ward's Auctions
Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. By John Heneage Jesse. Three volume set. Published by L.C. Page & Company, 1901. Three hardcover ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to N******4 for (20.00) = 20.00
The Works of Robert Burns with Notes and Illustrations Published Blackie & Sons, Glasgow.1859. Two h1117 - The Works of Robert Burns with Notes and Illustrations Published Blackie & Sons, Glasgow.1859. Two h
Ward's Auctions
The Works of Robert Burns with Notes and Illustrations Published Blackie & Sons, Glasgow.1859. Two hardcover volumes with quarter leather and ha...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to e****r for (30.00) = 30.00
Burns & Scott- The Complete Works of Robert Burn Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott". Illustrated wi1118 - Burns & Scott- The Complete Works of Robert Burn Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott". Illustrated wi
Ward's Auctions
Burns & Scott- The Complete Works of Robert Burn Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott". Illustrated with engravings. Published William Collin...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to u*****H for (45.00) = 45.00
The Life of Benvenuto Cellini- Written by Himself Himself. With reproduction of forty original portr1119 - The Life of Benvenuto Cellini- Written by Himself Himself. With reproduction of forty original portr
Ward's Auctions
The Life of Benvenuto Cellini- Written by Himself Himself. With reproduction of forty original portraits and view illustrating the life. Published Oct
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to j*********n for (22.50) = 22.50
Three hardcover volumes including "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens, "Jane Eyre" by Charlott1120 - Three hardcover volumes including "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens, "Jane Eyre" by Charlott
Ward's Auctions
Three hardcover volumes including "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens, "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte, and "The Prin...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r****D for (40.00) = 40.00
The Complete Sherlock Holmes By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Published by Sterling Publishing Company, Ne1121 - The Complete Sherlock Holmes By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Published by Sterling Publishing Company, Ne
Ward's Auctions
The Complete Sherlock Holmes By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Published by Sterling Publishing Company, New York 2015, for Barnes and Noble. Embossed hardbo
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to h******P for (50.00) = 50.00
Two books including "Madame Roland- a biographical study". By Ida M. Tarbell. First edition publishe1122 - Two books including "Madame Roland- a biographical study". By Ida M. Tarbell. First edition publishe
Ward's Auctions
Two books including "Madame Roland- a biographical study". By Ida M. Tarbell. First edition published by Charles Scribner's Sons New ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R*********4 for (20.00) = 20.00
Scotland's Soveraignty Asserted By Sir Thomas Craig. Translated from the Latin Manuscript by Geo. Ri1123 - Scotland's Soveraignty Asserted By Sir Thomas Craig. Translated from the Latin Manuscript by Geo. Ri
Ward's Auctions
Scotland's Soveraignty Asserted By Sir Thomas Craig. Translated from the Latin Manuscript by Geo. Ridpath. London. Printed for Andrew Bill at Cr...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R*********4 for (160.00) = 160.00
Poems by Robert Burns in two volumes. Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. Printed by H1124 - Poems by Robert Burns in two volumes. Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. Printed by H
Ward's Auctions
Poems by Robert Burns in two volumes. Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. Printed by H. Richardson for J. Taylor Bookseller, Berwick Upo
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to e****r for (90.00) = 90.00
Three books including "The Life of Nelson" and " The Life of Samuel Johnson". Both from Library Clas1125 - Three books including "The Life of Nelson" and " The Life of Samuel Johnson". Both from Library Clas
Ward's Auctions
Three books including "The Life of Nelson" and " The Life of Samuel Johnson". Both from Library Classics. London and Glasgow, Co...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to S*****A for (40.00) = 40.00
Four books including "My Favourite Books" by Robert Blatchford. 1901, London, Walter Scott Ltd. Hard1126 - Four books including "My Favourite Books" by Robert Blatchford. 1901, London, Walter Scott Ltd. Hard
Ward's Auctions
Four books including "My Favourite Books" by Robert Blatchford. 1901, London, Walter Scott Ltd. Hardboard covers with gold embossed decora...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to J*******h for (45.00) = 45.00
Five books including "Mrs. Tree" and "Geoffrey Strong" by Laura E. Richards. Both published Dana Est1127 - Five books including "Mrs. Tree" and "Geoffrey Strong" by Laura E. Richards. Both published Dana Est
Ward's Auctions
Five books including "Mrs. Tree" and "Geoffrey Strong" by Laura E. Richards. Both published Dana Estes and Company, Boston 1902,...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to J*******h for (20.00) = 20.00
Four books including "Susanna and Sue" by Kate Douglas Riggs. Illustrations by Alice Barber Spephens1128 - Four books including "Susanna and Sue" by Kate Douglas Riggs. Illustrations by Alice Barber Spephens
Ward's Auctions
Four books including "Susanna and Sue" by Kate Douglas Riggs. Illustrations by Alice Barber Spephens with N.C. Wyeth. Published by Houghto...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to H***2 for (40.00) = 40.00
Three books including "The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs an dLyrical Peoms in the English Langua1129 - Three books including "The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs an dLyrical Peoms in the English Langua
Ward's Auctions
Three books including "The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs an dLyrical Peoms in the English Language". Selected and arranged by Francis ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to A****5 for (20.00) = 20.00
Four books including "The Adventurer in Spain" by S.R. Crockett. Illustrated by the author and Gordo1130 - Four books including "The Adventurer in Spain" by S.R. Crockett. Illustrated by the author and Gordo
Ward's Auctions
Four books including "The Adventurer in Spain" by S.R. Crockett. Illustrated by the author and Gordon Browne. Published by Isbister and Co...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R********k for (20.00) = 20.00
Two books including "The Poetical Works of Robert Burns" Fully illustrated with new wood engravings 1131 - Two books including "The Poetical Works of Robert Burns" Fully illustrated with new wood engravings
Ward's Auctions
Two books including "The Poetical Works of Robert Burns" Fully illustrated with new wood engravings and borders by C.A. Vanderhoff. Publis...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to A*****r for (60.00) = 60.00
Two books including " The Life of Gladstone" by Justin Mc Carthy. Published The MacMillan Company, L1132 - Two books including " The Life of Gladstone" by Justin Mc Carthy. Published The MacMillan Company, L
Ward's Auctions
Two books including " The Life of Gladstone" by Justin Mc Carthy. Published The MacMillan Company, London 1897. Wtih full page and illustr...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r****D for (20.00) = 20.00
Three books including "The Book of Kells" Described by Sir Edward Sullivan, Bart., Illustrated with 1133 - Three books including "The Book of Kells" Described by Sir Edward Sullivan, Bart., Illustrated with
Ward's Auctions
Three books including "The Book of Kells" Described by Sir Edward Sullivan, Bart., Illustrated with twenty-four plates in colour. Publishe...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to b*****n for (45.00) = 45.00
Set of eight hardcover books "LIfe and Works of Robert Burns" by Allan Cunnningham. Each with etched1134 - Set of eight hardcover books "LIfe and Works of Robert Burns" by Allan Cunnningham. Each with etched
Ward's Auctions
Set of eight hardcover books "LIfe and Works of Robert Burns" by Allan Cunnningham. Each with etched illustrations. Published by Cochrane ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to g*******y for (60.00) = 60.00
Five books, all by author J.M. Barrie including "Courage- The Rectorial Address Delivered at St. And1135 - Five books, all by author J.M. Barrie including "Courage- The Rectorial Address Delivered at St. And
Ward's Auctions
Five books, all by author J.M. Barrie including "Courage- The Rectorial Address Delivered at St. Andrews University May 3rd, 1922. Published by...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to M***z for (22.50) = 22.50
Men, Women & Manners in Colonial Times By Sydney Geo. Fisher. Illustrated. Published by J.B. Lippinc1136 - Men, Women & Manners in Colonial Times By Sydney Geo. Fisher. Illustrated. Published by J.B. Lippinc
Ward's Auctions
Men, Women & Manners in Colonial Times By Sydney Geo. Fisher. Illustrated. Published by J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia & London, 1898...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to T*********g for (35.00) = 35.00
The Life and Works of Robert Burns. In four volumes. Edited by Robert Chambers. Published by William1137 - The Life and Works of Robert Burns. In four volumes. Edited by Robert Chambers. Published by William
Ward's Auctions
The Life and Works of Robert Burns. In four volumes. Edited by Robert Chambers. Published by William and Robert Chambers, Edinburgh 1851. All hardboar
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to K*****1 for (45.00) = 45.00
The Life of Samuel Johnson, L L.D- including a journal of a tour to the Hebrides. By James Boswell E1138 - The Life of Samuel Johnson, L L.D- including a journal of a tour to the Hebrides. By James Boswell E
Ward's Auctions
The Life of Samuel Johnson, L L.D- including a journal of a tour to the Hebrides. By James Boswell Esq. In two volumes. Published by George Dearborn...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to N******4 for (20.00) = 20.00
Three books including "The Land of Haunted Castles" . By Robert J. Casey. Illustrated with many phot1139 - Three books including "The Land of Haunted Castles" . By Robert J. Casey. Illustrated with many phot
Ward's Auctions
Three books including "The Land of Haunted Castles" . By Robert J. Casey. Illustrated with many photographs. Published The Century Co. New...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to G*****P for (27.50) = 27.50
Four hardcover books including " Stevenson's Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes- And an Inland Vo1140 - Four hardcover books including " Stevenson's Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes- And an Inland Vo
Ward's Auctions
Four hardcover books including " Stevenson's Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes- And an Inland Voyage" Published MacMillan Company ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to G*****P for (22.50) = 22.50
Two books including "The Works of William Cowper- His life, letters and poems". With Illustrations. 1141 - Two books including "The Works of William Cowper- His life, letters and poems". With Illustrations.
Ward's Auctions
Two books including "The Works of William Cowper- His life, letters and poems". With Illustrations. Edited by Rev. T.S. Grimsahw, A.M., F....
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r****D for (22.50) = 22.50
Three books including " The Poetical Works of Lord Byron- with life". Engravings on steel. Published1142 - Three books including " The Poetical Works of Lord Byron- with life". Engravings on steel. Published
Ward's Auctions
Three books including " The Poetical Works of Lord Byron- with life". Engravings on steel. Published by Gall & Inglis, Edinburgh, Lond...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r****D for (35.00) = 35.00
Four books including "The Severed Mantle" By William Lindsey. With seven illustrations in colour. Pu1143 - Four books including "The Severed Mantle" By William Lindsey. With seven illustrations in colour. Pu
Ward's Auctions
Four books including "The Severed Mantle" By William Lindsey. With seven illustrations in colour. Published by Houghton Mifflin company Bo...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to S*****8 for (27.50) = 27.50
Two books including "Nini-La Fauvette" By Ernest Daudet.Wtih 42 Illustrations. Published by Librairi1144 - Two books including "Nini-La Fauvette" By Ernest Daudet.Wtih 42 Illustrations. Published by Librairi
Ward's Auctions
Two books including "Nini-La Fauvette" By Ernest Daudet.Wtih 42 Illustrations. Published by Librairie Hachette Et Cie., Paris 1903. Decora...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to H***2 for (22.50) = 22.50
Four books in the French language including two copies of "Les Enfants Celebres". By E.J. Chaumette.1145 - Four books in the French language including two copies of "Les Enfants Celebres". By E.J. Chaumette.
Ward's Auctions
Four books in the French language including two copies of "Les Enfants Celebres". By E.J. Chaumette. Both published Librairie Nationale D&...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to h******P for (20.00) = 20.00
De La Defense Des Places Fortes By Par M. Carnot. Published Mme Ve Courcier, Paris 1812. Hardboard c1146 - De La Defense Des Places Fortes By Par M. Carnot. Published Mme Ve Courcier, Paris 1812. Hardboard c
Ward's Auctions
De La Defense Des Places Fortes By Par M. Carnot. Published Mme Ve Courcier, Paris 1812. Hardboard covers with rised leather spine and embossed gold l
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to h******P for (50.00) = 50.00
Three French language books including "La France A Travers Les Siegles" By Mme. De Witt. 56 etchings1147 - Three French language books including "La France A Travers Les Siegles" By Mme. De Witt. 56 etchings
Ward's Auctions
Three French language books including "La France A Travers Les Siegles" By Mme. De Witt. 56 etchings and 24 colour plates. Published Libra...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R********k for (20.00) = 20.00
Five collectible books including "Stories from Scottish History" Selected from Scott's Tales of a Gr1148 - Five collectible books including "Stories from Scottish History" Selected from Scott's Tales of a Gr
Ward's Auctions
Five collectible books including "Stories from Scottish History" Selected from Scott's Tales of a Grandfather" by Madalen Edgar M...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to A*****r for (70.00) = 70.00
Four collectible hardcover children's books including "Story Pictures of Clothing and Shelter" by Jo1149 - Four collectible hardcover children's books including "Story Pictures of Clothing and Shelter" by Jo
Ward's Auctions
Four collectible hardcover children's books including "Story Pictures of Clothing and Shelter" by Jonathan Yale, " A Child'...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to H***2 for (50.00) = 50.00
Four books including " Burn's Cotter's Saturday Night and Other Poems". By Robert Burns. Houghton Mi1150 - Four books including " Burn's Cotter's Saturday Night and Other Poems". By Robert Burns. Houghton Mi
Ward's Auctions
Four books including " Burn's Cotter's Saturday Night and Other Poems". By Robert Burns. Houghton Miffliln Company, Boston, New Yo...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r****D for (45.00) = 45.00
Selection of small leather bound collectors books including "Sonnets from the Portugeuse- and other 1151 - Selection of small leather bound collectors books including "Sonnets from the Portugeuse- and other
Ward's Auctions
Selection of small leather bound collectors books including "Sonnets from the Portugeuse- and other poems" By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to j*********n for (60.00) = 60.00
Three hardcover books including "George Washington" by Norman Hapgood. Published by The MacMillan Co1152 - Three hardcover books including "George Washington" by Norman Hapgood. Published by The MacMillan Co
Ward's Auctions
Three hardcover books including "George Washington" by Norman Hapgood. Published by The MacMillan Company 1906. "Life and Distinguish...
Bidding Has Concluded
Jules Verne Seven Novels Published Barnes & Noble, New York 2010. Gold embossed decorative hardboard1153 - Jules Verne Seven Novels Published Barnes & Noble, New York 2010. Gold embossed decorative hardboard
Ward's Auctions
Jules Verne Seven Novels Published Barnes & Noble, New York 2010. Gold embossed decorative hardboard covers with gold edged pages Items are sti...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to d******U for (100.00) = 100.00
Three books including "The Poetical Works of Robert Burns with his Life" Published Oliver & Boyd, Ed1154 - Three books including "The Poetical Works of Robert Burns with his Life" Published Oliver & Boyd, Ed
Ward's Auctions
Three books including "The Poetical Works of Robert Burns with his Life" Published Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh 1814. Embossed leather har...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to K*****1 for (50.00) = 50.00
Four volume limited edition New Alloway Edition book set "The Poetical Works of Robert Burns" . Edit1155 - Four volume limited edition New Alloway Edition book set "The Poetical Works of Robert Burns" . Edit
Ward's Auctions
Four volume limited edition New Alloway Edition book set "The Poetical Works of Robert Burns" . Edited by W.E. Henley and T.F. Henderson. ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to S*********0 for (40.00) = 40.00
Two books including "Westward Ho" or "Voyage and Adventures of Sir Amyas Leight, Knight" and " Herew1156 - Two books including "Westward Ho" or "Voyage and Adventures of Sir Amyas Leight, Knight" and " Herew
Ward's Auctions
Two books including "Westward Ho" or "Voyage and Adventures of Sir Amyas Leight, Knight" and " Hereward the Wake" both...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to N******4 for (35.00) = 35.00
Burns' Poetical Works, Kilmarnock Edition in two volumes. Published by James M'Kie, Kilmarnock, 18861157 - Burns' Poetical Works, Kilmarnock Edition in two volumes. Published by James M'Kie, Kilmarnock, 1886
Ward's Auctions
Burns' Poetical Works, Kilmarnock Edition in two volumes. Published by James M'Kie, Kilmarnock, 1886. Hardboard covers with embossed gold le...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to K*****1 for (50.00) = 50.00
Two books including "Private Life of Louis XIV" by Louis Bertrand. Published by Louis Carrier & Co. 1158 - Two books including "Private Life of Louis XIV" by Louis Bertrand. Published by Louis Carrier & Co.
Ward's Auctions
Two books including "Private Life of Louis XIV" by Louis Bertrand. Published by Louis Carrier & Co. 1929 and "Lives and Times of ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to j*********n for (40.00) = 40.00
Two volumes of the Hungarian book "Magyar Szalon" both published by Istvan Count Keglevich in Budape1159 - Two volumes of the Hungarian book "Magyar Szalon" both published by Istvan Count Keglevich in Budape
Ward's Auctions
Two volumes of the Hungarian book "Magyar Szalon" both published by Istvan Count Keglevich in Budapest A Magyar Szalon Kiadohivatala. Appe...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to N******4 for (20.00) = 20.00
Three books including "The Poetical Works of James Montgomery-of Sheffield" Eight engravings on stee1160 - Three books including "The Poetical Works of James Montgomery-of Sheffield" Eight engravings on stee
Ward's Auctions
Three books including "The Poetical Works of James Montgomery-of Sheffield" Eight engravings on steel. Published by Gall & Inglis, Edi...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to b*******J for (22.50) = 22.50
Three books including "The Story of Rosina- and other verses" by Austin Dobson, Illustrations by Hug1161 - Three books including "The Story of Rosina- and other verses" by Austin Dobson, Illustrations by Hug
Ward's Auctions
Three books including "The Story of Rosina- and other verses" by Austin Dobson, Illustrations by Hugh Thomson. Published in London by Kega...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to H***2 for (35.00) = 35.00
Three boooks including "Gulliver's Travels The Tale of a Tub Battle of the Books Etc." by Jonathan S1162 - Three boooks including "Gulliver's Travels The Tale of a Tub Battle of the Books Etc." by Jonathan S
Ward's Auctions
Three boooks including "Gulliver's Travels The Tale of a Tub Battle of the Books Etc." by Jonathan Swift. Published by Oxford Universi...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to d******U for (70.00) = 70.00